GPhC Route To Registration As A Pharmacy Technician

STEP BY STEP GUIDE - Registering as a Pharmacy Technician in the UK: internationally-qualified/ overseas qualified Pharmacy Technicians or Pharmacists

Process of Registration for those who have completed the Pharmacy Technician or Pharmacy Degree from Overseas (outside the EU)

In a nutshell, anyone with a pharmacy technician or pharmacist qualification obtained outside Great Britain, must complete the 'pharmacy technician' diploma in the UK before they can apply to register as a Pharmacy Technician.

The information on this page is only relevant to you if:

      • you have a pharmacy technician or pharmacist qualification from overseas (non-EU)
Overseas Pharmacist Register in the UK
Overseas Pharmacist Register in the UK

Alternative to OSPAP/ While waiting to register as a Pharmacist

-- UK Pharmacy College Pathway --

Work in a Pharmacy part-time while completing the Pharmacy Technician Diploma - Go through Overseas Pharmacists' Assessment Programme (OSPAP)


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    Is the student based in the UK? (Please select Yes or No)

    Is the student Qualified International Pharmacist or International Pharmacy Technician? (Please select one - International Pharmacist or International Pharmacy Technician)

    Is the student a Registered Pharmacy Professional in their Home country? (Please select Yes or No)